Not sure where to begin… Is it that I’m done surviving or is it just I’m done forgiving? Do I forgive because I want to survive the hurt or do I forgive because I want to heal? or maybe I do it so I won’t be a bad person? wait… It could be I forgive so I can have an extra day to make it work…
I used to think forgiveness is to help you heal and move on in life but recently I’m starting to think it is just to make things worse. The moment you forgive those who have done you wrong it is like you gave them a green light to do more wrong and just expect more forgiveness and even worse they confuse forgiving with forgetting. I mean yes I forgive you for what you did so we can both heal and not be miserable but in no shape or form do we get to forget what you did and pick up where we left off…
No wound ever heals over night! even a small scratch on your skin will take a day or two before you can touch it and don’t feel the burning or pain. so, why is it so difficult for people to see same process applies to emotional or mental wounds? I mean is it that of we can see it then it’s not there? or maybe it is just the whole ‘Fake it until you make it” system? So many great relationships and friendships are ruined daily just because you are screwed forgiving or not.
I don’t know if this is just my experience or there are other people who have been through this confusing situation but I really wish there was someone who could give me an answer so I could just put my dilemma to rest…