Childhood, the sweet innocent feeling of knowing you can decide in split second and act on it and not be afraid of the consequences. That excitement in the moment that you just do what feels right or you just do what you want to do.
Why did we all want to grow up? What was the rush? So we could start a routine life and not try a moment of possible risk and gain?
As adults we live life making decisions in the hardest possible way by calculating every scenario, considering every circumstance, by looking into every possible consequence. We follow the rules set by we don’t even who. We follow a path laid out by someone we think is our hero. We do the right thing set by society that is in need of new vision.
Yes, part of adulthood is to be responsible, be respectful and know every action has a reaction but where does it say that adulthood means we can’t enjoy life? where is it written that when we become adults, we don’t have the right to just flip the coin and decide and take a risk?
As serious as life is at the same time it’s very easy. life gets complicated when every decision becomes a mathematical formula. When at every corner we stop for so long to make the right decision that we forget the direction we were even taking. We waste so many days of our lives just because we are too afraid of the decision or worse, we are too afraid of facing results that are not pleasant or are possibly too hard to face. We go from childhood to adulthood to leaving no life just because of our fear of failure.
There needs to be some sort of balance in our life every day. picking one side or as I call it “the safe side” it’s not going to only ruin our life but also those around us specially if we have children. What are we teaching them by being so safe, so cliché in taking all the safe steps to make sure we don’t fail?
It’s OK to fail! At the same time, it is very rewarding if that risky decision pays off. One of the main reasons human society has evolved so much is because many were willing to take the risk, to think outside the box and do something different.
One of my favorite quotes by Jack Canfield:
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
and of course relevant to this topic by Robert F. Kennedy:
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” .
So, next time you get the chance to flip a coin just do it, try to make a difference by being a little different.